If you’ve ever wondered how to set up computer networks and then keep them safe, then this camp is for you. You will learn how to create secure passwords, properly use anti-malware, how hackers work, and much more—all in the context of exploring future career options.
You’ll benefit from daily devotionals and Bible challenge sessions that will strengthen your faith and help develop a strong biblical worldview. Camp instructors will demonstrate how you can glorify God by using your new skills.
Grades 9th-12th
Click here to Apply
The SC Cyber Association , a 501(c)(6) non-profit that provides professional development and connection opportunities in the Palmetto State.
The SC Cyber Foundation , a 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides funding for cyber education in the Palmetto State.
CyberSC is a member affiliate of CyberUSA
802 Creekleaf Court
Columbia, SC 29212
(877) 627 - 7117
© 2023 CYBERSC