Astronaut Academy (6th - 9th grade)
Due to the rising numbers of positive COVID tests in both South Carolina and Newberry County, the Opera House and Janet’s Planet have decided to move the camps to July 2021. the safety of our future astronauts and their families is of utmost importance.
This Astronaut Academy camp has been rescheduled for July 19-23, 2021. Parents/guardians with registered students should be contacted soon.
Please check out frequently for up to date information as things are changing rapidly.
Thank you for your patience as we all navigate these uncharted waters together. The Newberry Opera House looks forward to seeing you very soon!
Janet Ivey of the award-winning "Janet's Planet" and President of Explore Mars, Inc. is proud to return to Newberry for a second year of STEAM camps. This year we are adding the Astronaut Science Technology Engineering Arts & Mathematics Academy geared towards rising 6th - 9th graders.
Monday, July 19, 2021 at 9:00 A.M.
On Sale
One Price
One Price Standard price: $200.00